Electronics Notes, now incorporating Radio-Electronics.com provides radio & electronics tutorials and notes covering basic electronics concepts, components, radio technology, constructional techniques, ham radio, & electronics history…
Electronics Notes is written and run by Ian Poole


Op Amp Non-Inverting Amplifier
Crystal Radios of the 1920s & 1930s
Buying an Oscilloscope: key parameters & specifications
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When looking to buy electronic gadgets, equipment, or even components, it helps to know what to look for. Check out our informed buying guides to make sure you buy the right item.
- Digital Multimeter, DMM
- Resistors
- Selecting replacement transistors
- Capacitors
- Soldering irons
- TV antenna
- TV antenna cable
- Microphones
- Microphones for video
- Loudspeaker cable
- Headphones & earphones
- Cordless phone
- Licence free radios PMR446, FRS, etc
- Wi-Fi routers
- Wi-Fi repeaters, boosters & extenders
- Memory cards
- Ethernet cables
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- Smart speakers
- Bluetooth speakers
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- In-car USB chargers
All aspects electronics testing, test methods, and test equipment including oscilloscopes, test meters, spectrum analyzers and all forms of test equipment.
- Testing & Test Equipment Overview
- Dip meter, GDO
- Frequency counter
- LCR meter / bridge
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- Logic probe
- Multimeters: digital & analogue
- Oscilloscope
- Power analyzer
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- RF vector network analyzer
- Signal generators
- Signature analyzer
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- Time domain reflectometer, TDR
- Boundary Scan / JTAG
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- VXI & VXIbus
- GPIB / IEEE 488 bus
- Automated test, ATE
Connectivity both wired and wireless is an essential part of life today. Broadband, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, mobile communications and many more forms of communication are all widely used.
- Connectivity
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- What is 3GPP?
- 2G GSM
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- 4G LTE
- 5G technology
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- NFC: near field communication
- Bluetooth
- Zigbee
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- The Cloud
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- Serial data standards
- VoIP
Electronics Notes provides tutorials and information on many electronic components found in electronic circuits ranging from resistors and capacitors through simple semiconductors to complete integrated circuits. Introductions to in-depth information.
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- Bipolar transistor
- Capacitors
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- Diodes
- FET Field Effect Transistor
- Inductors
- Memory technologies
- Quartz crystals, xtals
- Phototransistor
- Photoresistor / LDR
- Relays
- Resistors
- RF connectors
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- Thyristor / SCR
- Triac
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- Electromagnetic waves
- Radio propagation basics
- Ionospheric propagation
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- Meteor scatter
- Tropospheric propagation
- Solar effects on propagation
- Auroral backscatter propagation
- RF feeder types
- Coax cable
- Balanced feeder
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- Basic antenna theory
- Cubical quad antenna
- Dipole antenna
- Discone
- Ferrite rod antenna
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- Log periodic antenna
- Parabolic antenna
- Vertical antennas
- Yagi antenna
- Antenna grounding
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Whether at home or for a large manufacturing organisation with PCB assembly, etc, one of the key challenges is in building or manufacturing the electronic circuits.
- Constructional techniques overview
- Soldering & its techniques
- Soldering SMDs
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- PCB manufacture
- How to make twisted pair wire
- How to drill a painted case
- Using sleeves to insulate exposed terminals
- Easy ways to make wiring looms
- Straightening kinked connecting wire
- ESD basics
Basic concepts
Learn about the basic electronics concepts including voltage, current, resistance and many basic calculations.
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- What is electric current
- What is resistance
- Ohm's Law
- Resistivity
- Capacitance
- Inductance
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- Basics of electrical power
- Basics of voltage
- Q, quality factor
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Radio technology is being used increasingly within everyday life. From broadcast radio and cellular phones to Wi-Fi and other wireless technologies it is widely used. Find out all you need to learn about radio and radio circuits on Electronics Notes.
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- Modulation types & techniques
- Multicarrier modulation
- RF mixing / multiplications
- Phase locked loop, PLL
- RF filters
- Frequency synthesizers
- RF attenuators
- Splitters combiners, couplers & hybrids
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- Doherty amplifier
- Radio receivers
- Superheterodyne radio receiver
Circuits and circuit design techniques for everthing from bipolar transistors and FETs to operational amplifiers, power supplies and much more.
- Circuits menu
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- Transistor circuit design
- Transistor circuits
- Darlington pair circuit configuration
- FET circuit design
- Transistor crystal oscillator
- Thyristor circuit design
- Diode rectifiers
- What is an Op-Amp?
- Op amp circuits
- Power supply electronics
- PCB design
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Ham radio
Electronics Notes provides the tutorials and the basic information you need to know to get started and learn about the fascinating hobby of amateur radio from operating, Morse code and DXing through to summaries of the ham radio allocations.
- Ham radio
- What is ham radio
- How to set a ham radio shack
- Ham radio call signs
- Ham bands overview
- Propagation & operating techniques
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- Amateur radio repeaters
- Ham radio contesting
- QRP operation
- Morse code
- Voice modes
- Digital / data modes
Audio Visual
This section of Electronics Notes gives descriptions, summaries and tutorials about AV, Audio Visual topics from television to Hi-Fi and systems and from the interface standards like SCART, HDMI and the like to descriptions of loudspeakers, etc..
- Audio Visual overview
- Loudspeakers
- Headphones & earphones
- Microphones
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- RDS: Radio Data System
- DRM: Digital Radio Mondiale
- DVB - television
- What is HDMI
Career and job information for those interested in becoming an electronics engineer. Everything from what an electronics engineer may do, through to applying for a job, writing a CV and much more.
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- How to prepare a CV
- Planning you career
- What is electronic engineering?
Technology History
The history of how the technolgy we know came about can be very interesting and instructive. Eveything from the very basic concepts of electronics from Ohm's Law and current through the telegraph, radios, & telecommunications, to current day mobile phone technology.
- Technology History
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- Crystal radio sets
- Superhet radio history
- Mobile phone history
- Amateur radio history
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- Charles Babbage
- Ambrose Fleming
- Ada Lovelace
- Nikola Tesla
- Guglielmo Marconi
- Reginald Fessenden